Meet our management team 

Brad Fuller- Founding Director and CEO

Brad is a reputable industry leader and a recognized expert in Specialist Disability Accommodation. He is regularly invited to be a guest speaker at conferences and webinars because of his insightful, honest, and informative analysis of the SDA space, where he continually encourages people to see through the eyes of the participant. Brad has also been asked to speak on the ABC about the need for participant housing in regional areas. Brads advocacy for persons with disability, coupled with his property experience is a perfect marriage for Specialist Disability Accommodation to ensure participants can lead their best lives.

Niti Prakash- National SDA Director

Niti is an enthusiastic leader with both legal and NDIS experience. As the previous National Community Engagement & Operations Manager at another national SDA provider, Nitis connections in the NDIS sector are paramount to the Brighter Living Australia growth plan. In her previous role, Niti oversaw and directed the company’s marketing plan which encompassed social media, a digital strategy, offline marketing, and events management.

Nitis’ success lies in both her efficiency and personable approach. Niti is solutions focused and passionate about a world where participants are heard and are safe. As a mother to a beautiful and talented participant, Niti puts the participants and her ethics first when decision making.

Niti is nationally well connected, participant focused and a highly respected member of the Brighter Living Australis team.

Brendon Woolf- National Participant Director

Brendon is an intellectual voice for participants. He has 39 years of experience living with a disability, is a NDIS participant and currently lives in an SDA apartment. Brendon has worked in multiple professional settings and is educated in the NDIS participant space due to his own personal experience.

One of the most impactful ways Brendon has been able to help other participants is through the experience he gained when he applied to the NDIA for SDA funding to live alone. This experience shaped Brendon as he was originally provided with shared occupancy SDA funding. To fight for sole occupancy SDA funding, Brendon fought for three years, and this involved proceeding all the way to a hearing in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. He won! 

Brendon’s personal experience and knowledge gained from this journey has given him a unique ability to help participants. And it is his passion to help, which is one of the many key reasons participants are choosing Brighter Living Australia as their SDA Provider. As the National Participant Director for Brighter Living Australia, Brendon leads the team in participant advocacy and is a shining light for all vulnerable people.